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Places Of The Passion - Holy Week Kit Digital Download

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Places Of The Passion - Holy Week Kit Digital Download

Worship Series Digital Download

Author: Reed Lessing

Publish Date: 12/1/2020
Product Number: PLP9DD
Format: Digital
Size: Digital
Availability: DigitalFile

$ 39.99

Supplement the Places of the Passion Lenten series with four services for Holy Week that continue the series format and theme.

The places where the passion of our Lord took place hold special meaning to Christians the world over. These places remind us that Jesus walked this Earth and stood in locations we can still find today to carry out his mission of salvation. This was no sightseeing trip for our Savior. There was a serious reason he came to be at certain places and at particular times to suffer and die and rise again. He was fulfilling the will of his Father who desired that we be forgiven and given a place in heaven with him forever.

Kit Contents: Monolog Sermons, PDF and RTF text files of all elements of the program, Children’s Message, Music for the accompanist, Suggested contemporary song list, sample bulletins with order of worship, PowerPoint documents of all services with text (with copyright release) for use on screens.

  • Palm Sunday: Bethphage Matthew 2:1-11 This place is where the ride into Jerusalem on a donkey begins for Jesus.
  • Maundy Thursday: The Upper Room Matthew 26:17-29 Climb the stairs to join the disciples in receiving the body and blood of Christ in bread and wine.
  • Good Friday: Golgtha Matthew 27:45-56 The Place of the Skull where Jesus breathes his last.
  • Easter Sunday: The Garden Tomb Matthew 28:1-10 See the place where they laid him who is now arisen

See our complete Places of the Passion collection for coordinating resources along this theme to enrich Lenten worship, prayer, reflection and study in your church or home.

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